Petts Hill Primary School

Religious Education

Religious Education is compulsory throughout the school as stipulated by the Education Reform Act 1988.

Religion centres on values and beliefs and it contributes to moral and social responsibility. It is concerned with feelings, relationships and symbolism and it stimulates art, music and literature.

Petts Hill Primary School follows the Ealing Agreed Syllabus which emphasises the spiritual nature of religion. Called ‘Sowing the seeds of the Future’ It was revised in June 2014 and has where possible been incorporated into our Creative Curriculum. We maintain a balance between 'wholly or mainly Christian' programme, which is required by law, and one which reflects our multi-faith community.

There is a Collective Act of Worship every day. Regularly, a class of children takes responsibility for presenting the Assembly, which parents are welcome to attend. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship; please discuss this with the Headteacher if you wish to do so.

Through our religious education programme we hope the children will:

  • Learn about beliefs, sacred texts, places of worship, and festivals.
  • Explore concepts such as faith, prayer, commitment, good and evil.
  • Show respect for and sensitivity towards other cultures. 
  • Understand how faith can enrich our lives.
  • Develop a sense of awe and wonder in their response to the beauty and mystery of life.