Petts Hill Primary School


Petts Hill Primary School is a small friendly inclusive community school that offers all children a happy and purposeful, motivating learning environment where they can develop a sense of belonging. All children in our culturally rich and diverse community are valued, respected and encouraged to achieve.

We are committed to working with children, parents and the local community; we are committed to developing a highly skilled valued, motivated staff team who are able to adapt, adopt and innovate to provide the best possible education for all our children. 

Petts Hill Primary School is committed to support and encourage all children to be confident, active learners, equipped for the future, take pride in what they do and who achieve to their full potential. We believe in educating the whole child, accepting them for who they are and adapting the curriculum and provision to meet their needs both in school and in the environment they live.

Petts Hill is committed to developing children who are resilient, self-confident, happy and healthy, enjoy learning and are educated to keep themselves safe. We promote respect for others and encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and give children a voice. We teach and encourage children to be aware of the environment and grow to be responsible, caring global citizens.

We recognise that experiences differ substantially amongst individuals, between communities and across different localities. However what we all have in common is a desire to build a strong society where civility and courtesy are the norm, where people are at ease with change, and are committed to being good neighbours and active citizens. A society where opportunities for advancement are there for the taking and prosperity is more evenly distributed.’ Darra Singh, ‘Our shared future’.


All staff that work at Petts Hill Primary School aim to promote and nurture children:

  • To be independent learners
  • Who value and respect others
  • That take pride in what they do
  • Who are self-confident, happy and love learning
  • Who always work hard and strive to do their best
  • Who respect others and take responsibility for their own actions

To achieve these aims we will:

  • Provide a caring, stimulating safe learning environment
  • Adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all learners
  • Work in partnership with pupils, parents and the local community
  • Value the children’s efforts and develop their self-esteem
  • Develop a highly skilled, valued motivated staff