Petts Hill Primary School

Healthy Eating

At Petts Hill we promote healthy eating.

This is so our children as we are aware that a healthy balance diet makes an important contribution to children’s growth and development, to their educational performance and attainment and to their long-term health and well-being.

Healthy Eating in the curriculum

Children are taught about what makes a balanced diet through the PSHE and science curriculums.

All children at Petts Hill are provided with a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat as a snack daily. We provide water for children to drink in class.


As part of the Petts Hill curriculum children experience cooking in school linked to their creative curriculum topics.

Healthy school meals

Our school meals provider is Harrisons.

They provide meals that are cooked daily on site using fresh locally produced produce where available. All Harrison’s meals are fully compliant with food standards guidance.

Healthy Packed Lunch Guidance

The school has worked with school council to produce guidelines for a healthy packed lunch. This is incorporated into our whole school food policy.

Healthy Breakfasts

Petts Hill has a breakfast club that runs daily offering children a healthy start to the day.

Healthy eating promotions

In school we try and inform parents of current issues and challenges faced regarding food and have run food promotions offering parents advice and guidance.

This has included many of the Change 4 Life initiatives. In February 2017 we are running a Be Food Smart campaign making families away of the amount of hidden sugar in many foodstuffs and what is the guidance on daily amounts that are safe to consume.  

Please click here to see Food Facts - Change 4 Life.