Petts Hill Primary School

Our Anti-racist statement

Schools have a vital role to play in helping to create a more equitable society. Ensuring equality is the first step towards this equitable society. Petts Hill Primary School is a creative, compassionate, courageous learning community. Through these values we teach children an appreciation for and respect of differences, to be thoughtful about our behaviour and to be kind to everyone. 

However, the work of anti-racism is even more than this. As a school committed to anti-racism, we provide a full, balanced education with opportunities for children to explore discrimination in age appropriate ways, learn about the history and patterns of power imbalances as well as many opportunities to critically think about their role in society and how they can contribute to making it a better place as global citizens. 


Racism ruins lives - it devastates the victims but it also damages the social and economic fabric of communities. We are actively engaging in anti-racist work by analysing all aspects of school life, including policies and the curriculum offer. 


If we are to change things for the next generation, we must prioritise this vital work. 


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela